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WDB Discuss Ü01: Aufwärmen und Abwärmen (1 Betrachter)

Interessante Theorie.
Zitat Thunderspalace zum Thema Cooldown:

"Yes, It is important that you cool down and that you cool down in an extended state. This encourages the tissue fibers to remain that way.
So, heat softens the tissue and changes it to more of a “liquid”, or pliable state. It only makes sense that to keep it that way, you would want to cool it in the new extended state to return it back to a more solid material. Like heating a piece of plastic, remolding it to a new shape, and then letting it cool."

"Lehman and associates (1970) studied the effects of heat and stretching on rat tail tendons. The results indicated that heating alone produced no significant elongation and that stretching alone produced no residual elongation. Significant elongation occurred if heat and stretch were combined. A greater increase in length was maintained if the stretch was held during the period of cooling since “reorganization of the tissues is thought to occur during the cooling period.” Overall, the most effective method of producing a plastic deformation of connective tissue was to apply a sustained stretch during the application of heat and to maintain the stretch during the period of cooling."

Macht meiner Meinung nach absolut Sinn. Also kurz vor dem Ablegen des Expanders nochmal unter die IR Lampe und bei Zimmertemperatur abkühlen lassen.
Wer was anderes denkt gern widerlegen.
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